
Download APKMirror for Android - An application that supports installing APK files on Android on Android

APKMirror Installer is an application that helps you install files .apkm, .xapk and .apks or normal ..

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APKMirror Installer is an application that helps you install files .apkm, .xapk and .apks or normal APK files onto Android smartphones easily.
License: Free
Released: APKMirror
Request: Android
Last updated: 05-10-2021
OS: Android
Version: N/A
Total download: 1079
Capacity: N/A

How to use APKMirror - Android

APKMirror Installer is an application that helps you install files .apkm, .xapk and .apks or normal APK files onto Android smartphones easily.

APKMirror supports installing APK files on Android

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APKMirror supports installing APK files on Android devices

In addition, this application also owns 1 more feature highly requested addition to normal APK files: If installing an APK file fails and you need to know why, you'll be able to see the exact cause of the error by starting the installation from APKMirror Installer.

How APKMirror works for split APK files?

Mid-2018 at Google I/O , Google announced a new app distribution format called App Bundles

Before app bundles, developers could create a "fat" APK with all the libraries. and resources in it, or manually manage multiple APK variants (e.g. arm64 320dpi, x86 320dpi, arm64 640dpi,...)

The new App Bundles allow developers to shift the burden handles variations for Google, and then splits the app launch into chunks. Hence the term split APK. After that, each launch consists of 1 base APK and 1 or more split APKs.

For example, a single application can have 5 files including base.apk + arm64.split.apk + 320dpi.split.apk + en-us.lang.split.apk + es -es.lang.split.apk.

Sorry, you can't install all these APK splits just by clicking them on your own machine - you just install the base APK , then this APK will fail due to lack of resources.

And that's when APK Mirror Installer is needed.

Download APK files quickly

Load apps with split APK files

APK Mirror Installer supports you to download apps with split APK files

Because many apps are converting to split APK format which cannot be easily shared and installed without a companion app, APKMirror has developed a way to accommodate these changes and continues to allow for easy and secure transfer options.

Each .apkm file consists of a base APK and split APKs. Once you have installed APK Mirror Installer and downloaded the .apkm file that you need to install, simply click on it or use APKMirror Installer to find the download location. You will be able to see the exact contents of each .apkm file and select only the parts you need to install to save space on your machine.















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