
Download Google Forms - Google Forms: Create online poll forms on Web

Google Forms is an online form and survey creation tool located in the Google Drive suite, helping y..

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Google Forms is an online form and survey creation tool located in the Google Drive suite, helping you to quickly and easily create questionnaires, search and organize information.
License: Free
Released: Google
Request: N/A
Last updated: 19-11-2021
OS: Window
Version: N/A
Total download: 997
Capacity: N/A

How to use Google Forms


Google Forms is an online form and survey creation tool located in the Google Drive suite, helping you to quickly and easily create questionnaires, search and organize information.

Easy to create free survey online with Google Forms
Google Forms online form generator interface

Questions, forms or surveys are objects that are very familiar to those who work. with office documents, market analysis, economics students do graduation thesis. It is also very useful in wanting to know the level of satisfaction with new products and services of individuals, organizations and businesses, quickly finding information and many other benefits.

You can find these questionnaires and forms anywhere from newspapers to apps to shopping. However, creating professional and impressive questionnaires and forms often consumes a lot of time, especially when you do not have specialized support tools. Let Google Forms lend a helping hand in such cases.

Main feature of Google Forms online survey creation service

  • Get quick answers: Plan your upcoming camping trip, manage postings Sign an event, prepare a quick poll, search email addresses for a newsletter, create a quiz game and much more.
  • Studies with style: Use your own image or logo and Google Forms will choose the right colors to complete your own unique forms . It also has themes to choose from in case you need to quickly create forms and questions.
  • Ask and answer it your way: Choose from a wide range of question types, add images, YouTube videos to bring the questions to life.

Choose a question type according to your style
Select the question type you want to generate from the list of Google Forms

  • Create or reply on the go: Google Forms is relatively portable when it comes to creating and editing forms on both large and small screens.
  • Organization and analysis: Responses to surveys are automatically searched in Google Forms with graphs and real-time information. You'll also be able to export the data as a spreadsheet for further analysis in Google Sheets.
  • Collaboration : Add collaborators like friends and colleagues to create surveys together.

Other options for questionnaires in Google Forms
More options after creating the questionnaire in Google Forms

After creating the questionnaire , form, you will be able to print it out, email it or embed it on your website easily.

Search data from Google Forms will organize and analyze itself
Search data from Google Forms will organize and analyze itself

In general, compared to creating questionnaires, surveys or forms on normal text editors, it is better to do on Google Forms fast, much more convenient. If you often have to work with forms and surveys, using Google Forms is also a good choice.

Bich Thuy















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