
Download Python 3.10.0 - Basic Programming Language - Kingdownload.Net on Windows

Python 3.10 is an increasingly popular programming language, and is also the language often chosen t..

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Python 3.10 is an increasingly popular programming language, and is also the language often chosen to teach newcomers to programming.
License: Free
Released: Python Software Foundation
Request: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Last updated: 05-10-2021
OS: Window
Version: 3.10.0
Total download: 1200
Capacity: 25,9 MB

How to use Python


Python 3.10 is an increasingly popular programming language, and is also the language often chosen to teach newcomers to programming.

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Python programming language software interface

Get Python - The Common Programming Language most used

Python software is fully dynamically typed and uses automatic memory allocation; so it's the same as Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and Tcl. Python is developed in an open source project, managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.

According to Eric S. Raymond, Python is a language with a very bright form, clear structure, convenient for beginners to learn programming. Python's structure also allows users to write code with minimal keystrokes.

Initially, programming software Python is built to work on Unix platforms. But then over time, it "expanded" to all operating systems from MS-DOS to Mac OS, OS/2, Windows, Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.

The programming language Python uses objects, classes, and Syntax language to help users create, edit, and develop applications. Code written in Python can be translated when creating a standalone exe file.

This programming language is the "backbone" of many software applications built for commercial or academic purposes. It includes a large library with lots of preset tools. Python is free to download.

Python is constantly being updated to meet user needs

Python Key Features

  • Clear, easy-to-read Syntax
  • Intuitive Object Orientation
  • Natural expressions for code
  • Full support for modules and hierarchical packages
  • Error handling based on exclusion
  • Multiple data types provision
  • Extensible standard libraries and third-party modules for each task
  • Easily write add-ons and modules in C, C++ (or Java for Jython, the language). .NET language for IronPython)

Latest Python Update

Latest Python Update

Python 3.10:

Core and built-in

  • Fix deep copy of types.GenericAlias ​​objects.
  • Implement GIL when executing isatty system on referrer any file. This feature will affect os.isatty(), os.device_encoding() and io.TextIOWrapper. Also affect io.open() in text mode. This change also fixes a bug in os.isatty().
  • Fix a bug related to Protocol.__init__ raises RecursionError when called directly or via super().
  • When the interpreter displays an exception, the name of which will be fully qualified. Previously only the class name was concatenated with the module name, which resulted in an incomplete name display error.


  • Fix threading ._shutdown() when importing threading module for the first time outside of main thread and causing Python exit error.
  • Fix a source condition error in how Thread.join() belongs to thread module. If the feature is interrupted by a signal and the signal handler raises an exception, make sure the thread stays in a certain state to block the error.
  • Fix unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase. debug() doesn't run synchronously and responds.
  • And fixes many other big and small bugs on Python 3.9.















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