
Download The Boss Babyon Online

The Boss Baby is an American animated family film based on the book comic book of the same name by M..

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The Boss Baby is an American animated family film based on the book comic book of the same name by Marla Rrazze. The film is a hilarious story about a new baby being directed by Tom McGrath.
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Released: 20th Century Fox
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Last updated: 20-09-2021
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How to use Nhóc Trùm - The Boss Baby


  1. 1.The Boss Baby Movie Trailer
  2. 1.More movie info Boss Kid
  3. 1 Some Posters, movie images of The Boss Baby

The Boss Baby is an American animated family film based on the book comic book of the same name by Marla Rrazze. The film is a hilarious story about a new baby being directed by Tom McGrath. The film has the participation of actors: Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Tobey Maguire, Miles Bakshi, James McGrath.

In The Boss Baby will be the story of a new miracle baby born from the perspective of seven-year-old Tim. Tim has a relatively peaceful life until he has a younger brother, of course his power will be reduced and needs to learn to become a true brother. However, his younger brother is very clever, he always does everything to rule the house and bully Tim, or even cries to win the love of his parents. Many interesting situations about Tim's little brother caused him to cry and laugh. However, the movie is also very engaging and the fact that it resembles so many families is sure to appeal to both adults and children alike.

The Boss Baby Movie Trailer


More movie info The Boss Baby

Duration: 97 minutes
Actor: Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Tobey Maguire, Miles Bakshi, James McGrath
Producer: Ramsey Ann Naito
Director: Tom McGrath
Year Released: March 2017

Some Posters, movie images of The Boss Baby

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The Boss Baby 10

The Boss Baby 7

The Boss Baby 11

The Boss Baby 12

The Boss Baby 15

The Boss Baby 5

The Boss Baby 4

The Boss Baby 2

The Boss Baby 3

The Boss Baby 1

Note: You will have You can watch this movie on channels like Google Movies (Android phone), Apple TV, iPhone/iPad, Netflix, iflix, FPT Play, Fim+ (FimPlus), ZingTV… and many other entertainment support apps. See more of my movie download links below.















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