
Download Fireworks Mania 2022.1.1 - Brilliant Fireworks Game of the festive season on Windows

Fireworks Mania is a shooting simulation game dazzling fireworks where you'll be able to create beau..

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Fireworks Mania is a shooting simulation game dazzling fireworks where you'll be able to create beautiful fireworks displays or blow up everything.
License: Free
Released: Laumania ApS
Request: Windows 7 (64 bit)
Last updated: 24-01-2022
OS: Window
Version: 2022.1.1
Total download: 809
Capacity: N/A

How to use Fireworks Mania


Fireworks Mania is a shooting simulation game dazzling fireworks where you'll be able to create beautiful fireworks displays or blow up everything.

Fireworks Mania is a simulation game of fiery fireworks brilliant

Fireworks Mania is a simulation game with brilliant fireworks

Download Fireworks Mania game

Fireworks Mania is a fun and exciting action game where you will be able to play with fireworks without worrying about the consequences like in real life. The game will provide environments with different backgrounds and decorations, where you'll be able to play around with all kinds of fireworks you want.

 The game provides a lot of different environments, contexts and decorations

Game provides quite a lot of environments and contexts various scenes and decorations

Although the main gameplay of the game is to create dazzling fireworks displays, you will be able to get creative and find your own entertainment in the play environment of Fireworks Mania. For example, while setting up a fireworks display, you'll be able to explore your surroundings, looking for interesting items to explode.

Fireworks Mania promises to bring moments of joy

Fireworks Mania Update

Fireworks Mania 2022.1.1:


  • The "fire" effect has been updated to create more impressive fireworks.
  • Some changes to the display graphics and memory management will help improve the performance of the game. A little bit.
  • Translation updated
  • An update billboard in the City because the New Year event has ended.
  • Reddit link added. at the bottom of the Main Menu.
  • You can lower the volume in the Main Menu bar because the bangs in the background can be a bit loud.


  • Fixed a bug that caused fireworks from mods to be off splashes even when set to "static".
  • Fixed an issue where short-lived fireworks particles were spawned if multiple bursts of fireworks were fired at once. Fixed a bug where no mods would load if a mod crashed due to the wrong version
  • Fixed a bug where the crossair would return even when the HUD screen was hidden by pressing BackSpace.
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Fireworks Mania 2021.12.7:

This is a farewell to the old year and happy new year 2022 from the development team Fireworks Mania game . In addition to supporting Workshops and mods, this update also adds a bunch of notable changes and bug fixes.


  • Changes to panels billboards and banners in the city to suit the atmosphere of welcoming the new year. On the billboards are images of fireworks, events, greetings, etc., with a festive atmosphere.
  • Adding lights to posters throughout the city, making it easy for gamers to identify. The posters will also provide you with other useful information.
  • Add the translator's name to the Credits page.
  • Updated the touch effect on the open trash can city, stimulating gamers to fill it with new items.
  • Add physical effects to objects and objects in the city.
  • Add logic to the work Processes and objects when covered due to fireworks.

Fix bug

  • Fix alignment and scrolling errors on Credits page.

Update Fireworks Mania 7/7/2021

Fireworks Mania has small but necessary changes, especially fixing frustrating bugs while playing, helping to increase the foot experience real for gamers.


  • Decors removed and 4/7 US Independence Day fireworks.
  • Updated content based on different regions.


  • Fixed a bug where the unlock message sometimes appeared repeatedly and repeatedly.
  • Fixed a bug when changing settings did not related and hit "Apply", returning the game to full screen mode.
  • Fixed a bug where the date saved on the blueprint did not display the correct time at all. time zone.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't get items on the stairs in the big town house.

 Add United States Day 4/7 themed fireworks and rich decorations

Add fireworks and decorations rich decoration themed on USA National Day 4/7

Update Fireworks Mania 6/25/2021


  • Add fireworks and decorations for US Independence Day 4/7.
  • Add "Unlockables" feature to the game: Each question mark blue can permanently or temporarily unlock 1 item in the Inventory - hunt now!
  • Add flat map at the request of many gamers.


Change change

  • Created some more objects on the Ranch with physics and accelerators, mostly in greenhouses .
  • You now need to be careful with filling the pool with fireworks..
  • Updated translations for different languages.



  • Fixed a bug where the fuse could infinitely long while on fire.
  • Fixed t wherein the fuse connection can burn from both ends.
  • Fixed carrot floating and other objects in Farm.
  • Fixed bug where truck wheel accelerator was destroyed.
  • Fixed explosion and sound mismatch for rockets flashing.
  • Fixed bug where Oxblaster displayed as Oxcaper.

Each blue question mark can unlock 1 item in the Inventory

Each blue question mark unlocks 1 item in the Inventory

Update Fireworks Mania 1/3/2021


  • Added game interface in Czech.
  • Many minor translation updates into different languages another language.
  • Added new cake "Fat Bill" (it's basically just a '2021' cake, no 2021 effect). Name suggested due to conversation during a game live stream.
  • Physics Tool has improved to move the whole thing with less vibration.


  • Fixed a bug where the Red Propane tank could fly so far that you couldn't hear or see the explosion . It's still out of view due to fog, but you can now hear it explode.
  • Fixed collision with gas tanks on the Farm, where you can't ignite or interact with fireworks placed below it (hidden collider).
  • Fixed the issue of books getting stuck in the big town house.

Fireworks Mania added new content with upgraded graphics

Fireworks Mania added more new content with beautifully upgraded graphics

Fireworks Mania promises to bring moments of fun and full of fun! If you love Rocket Mania Deluxe, you shouldn't miss this game!















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