
Download PC Creator for Android 5.2.0 - Computer Assembly Simulation Game on Android

PC Creator is a business tycoon simulation game where you become 1 computer assembly engineer. Join ..

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PC Creator is a business tycoon simulation game where you become 1 computer assembly engineer. Join the game, you need to fulfill customer orders with a variety of requirements: for example, assembling a computer from scratch, mounting operating system images, upgrading computers, installing new various programs, edit items, games and more.
License: Free
Released: UltraAndre
Request: Android 5.0
Last updated: 05-01-2022
OS: Android
Version: 5.2.0
Total download: 693
Capacity: 163 MB

How to use PC Creator - Android


PC Creator is a business tycoon simulation game where you become 1 computer assembly engineer. Join the game, you need to fulfill customer orders with a variety of requirements: for example, assembling a computer from scratch, mounting operating system images, upgrading computers, installing new various programs, edit items, games and more.

Develop your career as a computer engineer in PC Creator game

Develop your career as a computer engineer in PC Creator game

Plus, you have a special chance to create a camp mine to mine cryptocurrencies and open your own computer store.

User friendly interface

Although this game setup has rich in features, but the developer has worked hard to create a comfortable, modern and stylish interface to let you manage all your gaming processes:

  • Things dynamic controls.
  • Helpful tool tip.
  • Simple, user-friendly button positioning,.
  • Easy-to-understand icons.

Over 200 in-game hardware for you to assemble

Over 200 in-game hardware for you to assemble

Features of PC Creator for Android

Build your PC from scratch

You can build your own dream computer yourself in the game. In the store you will be able to select and buy motherboards, processors, video cards and many other parts. Then you set up your operating system, install drivers, and favorite programs and games. And all the puzzles you'll be able to do in the game PC Creator Building Simulator on smartphones.

Multiple selection of parts

There are many modern machine parts in the game. What's more, you'll be able to upgrade these components and enjoy their full performance.

Make your own dream computer

Make your own dream computer

How to improve your service

Complete customer orders, get experience points and virtual currency. You will be able to buy 1 new room to do service and earn money. Moreover, this is also an opportunity to make your base equipment newer and more modern

Learn to improve your computer

You will learn how to repair your own computer while playing games, replacing or repairing parts. Plus, you know that not all parts are compatible with other parts of your computer.















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