
Download Frozenheim 0.6.0 - Survival game on the frozen Nordic region - Kingdownload.Net on Windows

Build a peaceful Nordic city in the new RTS tactical management game - Frozenheim. Lead the Vikings ..

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Build a peaceful Nordic city in the new RTS tactical management game - Frozenheim. Lead the Vikings through the cold winters, year after year. Build a new world and try to survive at all costs.
License: Free
Released: Hyperstrange
Request: Windows 10 64-bit
Last updated: 07-12-2021
OS: Window
Version: 0.6.0
Total download: 647
Capacity: N/A

How to use Frozenheim


Build a peaceful Nordic city in the new RTS tactical management game - Frozenheim. Lead the Vikings through the cold winters, year after year. Build a new world and try to survive at all costs.

Build a new settlement for yourself and your loyal friends in the game Frozenheim

Build a new settlement for yourself and your loyal friends in the game Frozenheim

Playing by Frozenheim PC focuses on adventure and conquest elements. How to win Odin's favor and maintain your position in Valhalla? Play the game and find the answers…

Same Viking theme as Valheim, but game Frozenheim gives you access to a revenge battle filled with blood and water eye. Expelled from your homeland, you need to set out to find a new home for yourself and your loyal friends.

Survive and thrive in the North with your teammates. Europe is too cold all year round

Survival and development with teammates in the cold Nordic land all year round

Building a new settlement is not The task is simple, but protecting everyone from the cold winter, hunger and dangerous enemies is even more difficult. Remember, when you and your teammates explore the world around you by boat or by road, you not only find valuable resources but also attract the attention of opponents.

Active adventure explore new lands in Frozenheim game

Active adventure Explore new lands in Frozenheim game

Frozenheim - Survival Game in the Cold Winter

  • Build and expand a Viking village from zero rich, happy land.
  • Earn, hunt, fish, farm, and protect your clan from season to season.
  • Learn about the New buildings and units to grow the empire.
  • Explore the surrounding open-world by ship or land.
  • Pray for the strength and grace of Asgard in the ancient temple.
  • Attack other gamers or form alliances with them to participate in large-scale battles.
  • Capture and save the pristine beauty of the frozen North.

Note: Frozenheim game contains images of violent combat, injuries, and deaths, so it is not suitable for children, psychopaths. weak.

Phuong Tran















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